Many times in life we have far too much stuff packed away in our basements, children’s old bedrooms and of course the attic! We ponder about what to do with it all because we want our things to be cherished. We worry a stranger might not appreciate our things as much as we did…so what do you do with all of your old purses, gowns, fur coats and grandma’s costume jewelry you don’t wear often enough to keep? We buy many things at Fancy That Antiques, even things no one has use for!
By owning this store, my husband Bruce and I finally get to do what we love! As some of you know I am the craft consultant for the TV show Mass Appeal on channel 22. I’m always making new crafts and recycling old items that you have brought into the shop. It would be much harder to keep creating new shows every 2 to 3 weeks if it wasn’t for all the things that you have brought us. We would like to thank all of you who’ve sold us their unwanted items!
One lady brought in a lovely selection of costume jewelry she no longer wore. I had so much fun sorting everything out and thinking of all the things I could make with all the pieces. Many items CAN be repaired so they go in a special bin. Another wonderful customer brought in a bunch of old books, hats, coats, purses, and linens. I needed a few old napkins for my next segment on May 3rd so having her coming to the shop was a blessing! Even old ratty teddy bears and dolls that look like they should be thrown away, I find used for. It’s always so much fun to look up the different items online to see what they are and what era of history they came from. I’m very sentimental person. As I look at the things we’ve bought throughout the week I always find a way to re-purpose almost everything. So Thank you everyone for thinking of us. We will always be fair with you. Of all people I understand how hard it is to find out how little EVERYTHING sells for these days. Never think we are just trying to pull a fast one on you and make big bucks off your items when we only give you X amount of money. That is never the case. If you aren’t happy with our quote, I am always happy to help give you advice on how to sell the items yourself if that would be a better financial decision for you. Family & friends first, then money! That is how I live my life and blessings always come when you put people first.
Many thanks,
Malena Chipps