In fashion, the right color combinations makes all the difference. It doesn’t always matter what the quality of your findings are, as long as the piece is aesthetically pleasing. I will show you some easy ways to update unwanted jewelry into something fun and wearable. We all have those beads from Grandma that we love but would never wear. If your Grandma was anything like mine, she would probably say, “Oh do what you want with them. I’m just glad you kept them.” So, in honor of my Grandma Geneva, we are going to restyle some of her old costume jewelry for the show. These are quick, easy updates that use what you already have. As always, if you need clasps or findings, they are always free to Mass Appeal viewers. Just let me know what you want to make and I’ll send you a box of goodies at no charge. Call the studio at: 413-512-3714 or email me at: info@fancythatantiques.com.
This faux pearl chain necklace was broken and heavily tarnished. Since it’s my Grandma’s, I really don’t want to throw it away. Here’s the before and after photos of what I did to update it! Instructions are below.
All these necklaces are made the same way. The tassel necklace is a little different but I can show you how to make that one at a later date if you like. It’s just a simple tassel on the bottom made of yarn. I connected it using the same technique.
Bead chain necklace
Bib necklace
Jump rings
Charms & pendants
Chain necklace
Earring findings and clasps
This project really just consists of rearranging the necklace and adding chains or charms.
These modern bib necklaces are cute, but usually have cheap metal chains and acrylic stones. You can easily make it look better by adding vintage chains and beads. I used a pearl cluster chain for the aqua rhinestone bib necklace and a broken rosary for the flower necklace. I used the findings from the modern necklace so I didn’t need to buy or add anything. These two are the easiest ones. The Paris one is easy but does require a few charms and a pendant.
Shorten the bead chain to the desired length by opening the metal loops on the ends. Save any jump rings for later.
For the Paris necklace, attach the chain necklace to the ends. Make sure the chain is 1-2 inches shorter than the beads. For the bib necklaces, you are just removing the modern chain and attaching the vintage bead chain.
If you have two layers, one should be slightly longer. If you add a few jump rings to the end of the beads it will lay better. Then just attach the clasp on the end of the bead chain.
For the Paris necklace, now you can attach your charms and a pendant in the middle. Use the jump rings to connect the pendant and charms on the bead chain so they lay flat.
Use the extra bead chain to make earrings and a bracelet by simply adding hooks or a clasp.
I have found it is better to put the large beads on the bottom layer and the smaller beads or chain on the top layer. If your charms or pendant have worn metal, you can easily touch them up with RUB n’ BUFF metal wax. Seal it with nail polish or clear coat spray to make it permanent.
Out of style:
Plastic bead necklaces
Faux pearls in small long strands
Crystal strand necklaces
In style:
Bohemian beads with leather
Chunky chains
Layered pendants
Dark metals
Station chains
Ok ladies, I hope this was helpful and easy to understand. The video always helps but we have to move fast for TV. Let me know if you need anything. I love sharing my crafts with you. If you have jewelry you want to sell, I am always buying and we also give to charity. Details here. Nothing goes to waste. I remove the gold and silver from the costume, weight it and pay you separately for those items. I pay more than most people, especially now I don’t have the store overhead. You can sleep well knowing your family jewelry is going to a good home and will be appreciated. There is no obligation for you to sell to me. I have many resources available to help you. Thanks so much neighbors. I’ll see you again in 2 weeks.
Malena Chipps
Jewelry and Fashion Consultation for Mass Appeal WWLP 22