- These soaps are more advanced.
- Felted soap with decorations
- Felted soap with decorations
- Quick and easy!
- Quick and easy!
- Felted soap with decorations
Today on Mass Appeal we showed you how to make wool felted soap. Wool is naturally anti-bacterial so you can keep it in the shower and it won’t mold. The wool covers the soap and saves it so it lasts longer. Everyone in my family likes a different kind of soap so it makes perfect sense to make one for each person. Here are some basic instructions to help you along and some links to buy your supplies. Happy felting!
Supplies Needed
100% Wool roving
Hard soap (Yardley, Irish Spring, etc)
2 nylon knee highs or cut off pantyhose
1 Pot hot water
1 container or cold water
2 Hand towels
Dawn dish washing liquid
bubble wrap
Starting with your base color and spread out your wool roving to a cobweb like consistency.
Wrap the cobwebs of roving around the soap, first in one direction, and then in the opposite. Alternate back and forth until the soap is entirely covered. Use most of your roving on this base layer–make sure the corners are covered up.
Add your accent colors–I suggest spreading the colors thin on your first attempt (for a marbled effect)–it felts easier. You want a uniform surface on the soap. (Lumpy layers are harder to felt without the help of felting needles.) Lightly sprinkle some water over the soap so the wool sticks to it.
Take your knee high nylon sock and stretch it over the soap. Twist it in the center and stretch it over again, leaving a piece to hold onto when you dunk it in the hot water.
Then carefully remove the soap and start rubbing it in your hands. After you have done this for a about 5 minutes, dunk the soap in COLD water. In a lathering motion, continue to press the wool into the soap. Work on any areas that don’t seem to be shrinking. Dunk the soap in HOT water again, vigorously pressing the wool into the soap. (You can put a piece of bubble wrap on your counter and push the soap back and forth on the it to speed up the process.) This should take 15 minutes.
Take the soap out of the nylon sock and if it isn’t stuck to the sock, put it back in and keep pressing. You want the wool to be tight and uniform with no loose ends.
Take a dry towel and wrap the soap in the towel and squeeze the water out. Let the soap dry on a smooth surface, turning it every few hours to dry completely. The soap will be dry within 12 hours. You can now decorate it with wool felting techniques if you choose. Feel free to comment and let me know what you would like to see on Mass Appeal!
Thank you so much for watching!
Warm regards,
You can add details to your soap with simple wool felting techniques. Here is a video to show you how. (This lady is awesome! Watch her videos for a full tutorial on wool felting!)
Wool Felting Supplies and HOW TO Video
Sulfate Free Soap Base (If you want to make your own soap with fragrance or essential oils)