Happy Halloween everyone!
If you are lucky enough to have young children or trick-or-treaters, you can even include Funny Toilet Paper in this cute last-minute gift you can make today for less than $5! All the supplies were purchased from the dollar store. Here’s what you need to get started:
- Large paper or Styrofoam cups
- Construction paper or cardstock
- Scissors
- Glue
- Halloween eyes printout of googly eyes
- Scissors or Xacto knife
- Paper towels or gauge (for mummy)
- Candy
- Green hair band (for vampire)
- Pipe cleaner (for bat wings)
Use an X-Acto knife or scissors to cut the bottom out of the cup.
Turn the cup upside down on a piece of black cardstock and trace around the cup.
Cut the circle from the cardstock and glue to the bottom of the paper cup. Trim off any excess.
Print out the template, cut out and trace on cardstock. Cut out bat wings, eyes, ears, etc.
Glue the wings and ears onto the paper cup.
Glue on googly eyes.
Use a white marker to draw on a mouth and fangs.
Add candy and small toys to the treat cups.
More info will be shared tomorrow on Mass Appeal! See you then!
Thank you to Aimee Aeroux for this wonderful idea!